Monday, May 13, 2013

Colorado GOP calls for investigation into IRS, Obama Administration’s targeting of conservative groups

As I'm sure you have heard, the Obama Administration and the Internal Revenue Service has been targeting conservative groups that disagree with the President. These tactics are reprehensible and dangerous. Look below for a statement from Colorado GOP Chairman Ryan Call, calling for an investigation into the IRS and Obama Administration's actions.

Please also take a moment to share the following Tweets today--

Obama & IRS's suppression tactics have no place in democracy. Theyre reprehensible & dangerous

.@MarkUdall must support an investigation of the IRS's tactics taken against conservatives

NOTE: If you start a tweet with a handle (eg @MarkUdall, @cologop), you must include a character like a period before it. If you don't, only the person named and your followers will be able to see your tweet, greatly reducing the number of people you can reach.

Please be sure to 'like' and 'share' our message on Facebook too--

"The Obama Admin is using the power of the IRS to target and silence Americans with dissenting opinions. These suppression techniques have no place in a democracy. They are beyond reprehensible; they’re dangerous." Click 'like' if you agree.

Thank you so much for your help!


Owen Loftus, Communications Director
Colorado Republican Committee

May 13, 2013

Colorado GOP calls for investigation into IRS, Obama Administration’s targeting of conservative groups

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo.—On Friday the Internal Revenue Service has been inappropriately targeting conservative organizations whose opinions may differ from Pres. Obama’s.

Colorado Republican Committee Chairman Ryan Call released the following statement regarding the dangerous actions taken by the Obama Administration and the IRS--

"The Obama Administration is using the power of the IRS to target and silence Americans with dissenting opinions. These suppression techniques have no place in a democracy. They are beyond reprehensible; they’re dangerous.

"Every member of Colorado’s Congressional delegation, especially Sen. Mark Udall, must immediately make a public statement against the actions taken by the Obama Administration and the Internal Revenue Service. They must also call for and support a thorough investigation of the actions taken against conservative groups.

"Chief Justice John Marshall famously observed that 'the power to tax involves the power to destroy.' Every American should be concerned when the federal government decides to use the taxing power of the IRS in an attempt to target and destroy political opponents."


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